Winter is a time for slowing down, rugging up in your cosy woolies, drinking warm mugs of tea and nourishing yourself inside and out.

When the colder and darker months approach us, we often do hibernate and curl ourselves into tight little balls of goodness and this can often create stagnation in the body, energy and mind, stiff joints and a lack of drive and ignition to get moving forward in the direction of our dreams.

Our Winter Yin Yoga practice allows us to stay inside, keep warm and dry, but the shapes that we create with our body can welcome in more energy flow, more warmth, fluidity and ignite your inner drive and spark.

As we work with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in Yin yoga, we work with Seasons, Elements and Meridian Lines which you can think of energy highways that move through your body and connective tissues that carry hydration and Chi (energy) through them.

The meridian lines merge into specific organs and can help bring balance and harmony to your body.

The Kidney Meridian Line and Urinary Bladder Meridian Line connect us into our Winter Yin practice. These 2 organs and meridian lines paired together help with fluid distribution, blood filtering and excreting the waste and toxins from our body to keep us balanced and in flow.

This also connects us into the Element of Water that releases stagnation, resistance and dryness and encourages flow, freedom and fluidity.

The following short but sweet Winter Yin Practice creates awareness, energy and hydration through the spine, the back channel of the body, inner thighs and front channel of the body to release any blockages or tightness.

Try these 4 Yin Poses to get your energy flowing and help you through the cold Winter season.

Please note, you’re more than welcome to do any of these poses with the help of props to make you more comfortable.

Hot tips for Yin Yoga
– Come into the pose to an appropriate depth. Not too much, not too little. Just enough to feel sensation and a good, deep stretch.
– Avoid pain or pinching. If you know it doesn’t feel right for your body, please don’t do it! Modify and adjust until you feel better!
– Resolve to remain as still as possible.
– Hold the pose for some time.
– Soften and surrender your body weight into the floor. Let go of ‘doing’ the pose and see if you can just ‘be’ in the pose. Without force, without control.
– Look after number 1…YOU!

Sphinx Pose

  • Laying on the front of your body. Allow your legs to relax apart from each other, toes pointed and relaxed, thighs and knee caps relaxed.
  • Lift up onto your elbows and rest your forearms on the floor.
  • Shoulders relaxed, head is heavy and hanging forward.
  • Soften head, mouth, jaw, neck and shoulders.

Seal Pose 

  • Bring your hand in closer underneath your shoulders, lift your chest, straighten your arms and allow the torso weight to drop down into the arms and hands.
    You might like to turn your hands out, fanning your fingers to the side of your mat to act as a sturdy base.
  • Hold for 5 minutes
  • Release down onto your belly, allow your arms to rest down by the side of your body and turn your head to one side.
  • Stay here in your rebound position for 1 minute. Relax completely.

Dangling Pose

  • Think of this as a standing forward fold rag doll style.
  • Lift to standing, feet hip distance apart.
  • Let your chin tuck in and start rolling down, folding forward, until your feel a stretch through the back line of your body.
  • Your arms are heavy, head is heavy, legs can be bent or straight, whatever feels best for you.
  • Think of being the most relaxed version of you in this forward fold!
  • Hold for 5 minutes
  • When you are ready, slowly bend your knees and lower carefully down to the floor
  • Release down onto your belly, allow your arms to rest down by the side of your body and turn your head to one side.
  • Rest for 1 minute

Winged Dragon Pose

  • Come into a low lunge position.
  • One foot forward with the knee bent, resting one leg back, resting on the knee.
  • Walk your front foot over to the side of the yoga mat and bring both hands to the inside of your front foot. You can rest your hands onto a block, cushion or anything that feels comfortable. Your forearms may even come down onto the floor depending on your range of movement and what feels best for your body.
  • Untuck your back toes, feel your hips lower down and allow your whole body to melt into the pose.
  • Hold for 5 minutes.
  • When you are ready, slowly lift your torso and the weight out of your front leg, release your leg and lower to your back or your belly and lay down into the floor.
  • Rest for 1 minute
  • Please repeat on your other leg.

Dragon Fly Pose

  • Sit on your bottom and separate the legs as far wide as you can.
  • Fold your torso forward, letting your head hang heavy and shoulders relax down your back.
  • Hold for 5 minutes
  • When you are ready, slowly lift your torso, bring the legs together and lay down on your back.
  • Give your legs a big hug into your chest and release down on your back for a 5 minute savasana.


About Phoebe

Born and bred in Sydney on the beautiful Northern Beaches, Phoebe fell in love with yoga in 2003 when she was in high school dealing with the stressors of exams, parents divorcing and all the fun and games of being a teen.

Phoebe’s classes weave together a creative mix of yin and yang. Expect to leave her classes feeling grounded, revived, happy and with a deeper knowledge of yourself and how to apply the practices of yoga in your everyday life.

When Phoebe isn’t teaching and deepening her knowledge and love for all things yoga and self development, you will find her playing and exploring in the great outdoors with her dog Maverick, frolicking in the ocean, immersing herself in her art and creativity, her love for crystals, exploring the fascinating world of Astrology and all things magical.