Gluten free, vegan, dairy free

1/2 cup x favourite nut butter (I recommend either cashew, almond, macadamia or peanut butter )
1/4 cup x organic coconut cream
1/2 cup x extra virgin coconut oil (melted into liquid)
1 tablespoon x cacao butter (melted into liquid)
1/4 cup x cacao powder
1 tablespoon x maple syrup
½ teaspoon x vanilla bean paste or vanilla powder
a good pinch x sea salt
1 drop x food grade peppermint oil (if you would like to create a refreshing peppermint chocolate)
Hemp seeds, crushed nuts or cacao nibs to sprinkle as a garnish


1) Add all ingredients to food processor and blend until well combined.
2) Pour into small silicon moulds or a tray lined with baking paper.
3) Cool in freezer for 45 minutes – 1 hour.
4) If you have made one big block, cut with a knife that has been warmed in hot water.
5) Store in an airtight container.

Eat cold straight from the freezer.

These will last up to 3 weeks


Photo courtesy of Patty Paredes – Bebe Active

About The Chef:

Simon Favorito: Executive Chef and Head of Wholefood Education

Simon Favorito comes from a lineage of wholefood chefs & has spent over half his life helping people to discover the magic of wholefood medicine through the culinary arts as a chef, a natural health practitioner, coach & teacher.

Simon offers conscious event catering, educational courses and personalized coaching that combine natural health principles, wholistic nutritional, modern psychology, traditional & contemporary food philosophy to help individuals create their own life changing food culture.

You can find Si cooking and teaching at Billabong Retreat every week Wednesday to Friday. For information on Wholefoods medicine, recipes, workshops and courses, be sure to visit Simon’s Facebook page: Your Conscious Kitchen. or his Instagram Page