If there’s one food that most Australians hold close to their hearts, it’s Vegemite. The savoury spread represents a metaphorical black and gold of Australian culture being enjoyed by countless Australians since it’s introduction to our shelves in 1923. Throughout Vegemite’s life it has woven its way into the cultural identity of many as a trusty accompaniment to spread across a slice of hot toast. Or who hasn’t lathered it onto an Arnott’s biscuit with butter before squeezing it through the little holes and embracing the crunchy, savoury experience.

As a Wholefood chef and advocate, I’m always looking to upgrade my daily food rituals to include the greatest, life-enhancing foods that are as high in taste and flavour as they are in nutrition and nourishment. So when it came to creating a wholefood substitute to this national icon, I had to make sure it was full of the same iconic savoury taste, the smooth texture that glides across your sourdough and palette while being black as night and filled with nutritional greatness!

Gluten free, vegan


375g jar x organic black tahini

½ cup x organic tamari

3 tb x nutritional yeast flakes

½ cup x warm water

1 tb x rice syrup or ¼ tb x maple syrup


Mix all ingredients together in a bowl or food processor until completely smooth.


Simply spread over your favourite toast, crackers or sandwich and embrace the savoury goodness.


Store in an airtight jar or container in the fridge for up to 3 months. If it lasts that long!


About The Chef:

Simon Favorito: Executive Chef and Head of Wholefood Education

Simon Favorito comes from a lineage of wholefood chefs & has spent over half his life helping people to discover the magic of wholefood medicine through the culinary arts as a chef, a natural health practitioner, coach & teacher.

Simon offers conscious event catering, educational courses and personalized coaching that combine natural health principles, wholistic nutritional, modern psychology, traditional & contemporary food philosophy to help individuals create their own life changing food culture.

You can find Si cooking and teaching at Billabong Retreat every week Wednesday to Friday. For information on Wholefoods medicine, recipes, workshops and courses, be sure to visit Simon’s Facebook page: Your Conscious Kitchen. or his Instagram Page