Serves 2


  • 1/3 cup chia seeds
  • 1 ½ cups almond milk or coconut milk (or a mix of coconut rice milk)
  • ½ cup coconut cream (check the label when purchasing) to ensure there are no preservatives)
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • ½ cup fresh or frozen blueberries
  • Pinch of Himalayan or celtic salt (they are mineral rich)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract (choose one with no sugar added)


Begin this recipe at least 2 hours before.
In a medium bowl add almond milk, coconut cream and chia seeds. Whisk well to combine. Cover and place in the fridge for 2 hours at least.

Add in salt, berries and spices and gently stir through. To warm – heat very gently over a low heat for and additional 5-10 minutes.

This recipe was provided by our wonderful chef Angie, you can find more of her wonderful recipes at:

And if you would like to try some of her yummy food book into a relaxation retreat at billabong retreat and enjoy her lovely organic delicious meals.