Serves 16

  • 5 lrg onions
  • 4 tblsp olive oil
  • 4 sm cans chopped tomato
  • 1kg red kidney beans, black eyed beans and cannelloni beans
  • Season
  • 3 tblsp of tomato paste
  • Paprika 1 teaspoon
  • Barley soaked   2 cups
  • Carrots  1kg
  • Veg stock 11/2 litre
  • Lemon zest and juice of one lemon

Fry the onions in a large saucepan, covered for about 10 minutes until soft but not brown.

Add paprika

Add carrots, cook for about 5 minutes add barley and stock then add tomatoes and beans, season add add tomato paste

Add lemon zest and juice


Let mixture gently simmer until barley is soft, then serve

Goes great with rainbow salad and/or green salad with sprouted mung beans, and or steamed greens such as broccoli and green beans.

Goes with corn chips and guacomole

To experience these recipes and more book in for a two night retreat at